Industrial Consumers

Chart Industries and Matrix Service sign MOU to expand hydrogen solutions

Chart industries hydrogen MOU

Chart Industries and Matrix Service Company have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to expand both companies’ hydrogen solutions in North America, Chart announced this Wednesday.

Solutions from the MOU include hydrogen liquefaction plants, marine bunkering, fueling stations, plant expansions, storage expansion, spaceship fueling and other hydrogen related facilities.

Also, the memorandum is a joint effort to build upon both companies’ portfolios; it expands commercial arrangements, relationships and procurements with customers and overall industry, as it contemplates the use of the company’s expansive equipment and liquefactions offerings.

In this regard, 2020 was an important year for the Georgia-based company; its order activity grew substantially over the year, with hydrogen equipment orders around the $38 million. 60% of those orders being received in 2020’s fourth quarter.

“These orders contributed to Chart’s full year 2020 specialty market orders of $283.6 million; a 16.2% increase over specialty market orders in the full year of 2019. With 164 customers working with the company to serve their hydrogen equipment needs,” Chart statement explains.

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More hydrogen for North America provided by Chart and Matrix

Therefore, the collaboration with Matrix will ensure both companies’ customers the achievement of their hydrogen requirements, in the face of a new administration and a more important than ever climate change agenda.

In this regard, the MOU serves also as a way to push further the energy transition agenda in the U.S., as it draws in both companies’ respective expertise and expands it with technology such as cryogenic storage tanks and terminals. When executed under the MOU, companies will provide design, equipment and installation.

“The combination of Chart equipment and process with the expertise Matrix brings in process integration, design, fabrication, construction and installation to create a unique and cost-effective solution for the North American hydrogen market, in particular for customers wanting a standardized solution,” stated Jill Evanko, Chart’s CEO.

While John R. Hewitt, Matrix CEO and President said: “After years of working on LNG and other cryogenic projects with Chart, expanding our relationship to support the evolution and ongoing work we do in hydrogen is a natural next step as energy companies look to Matrix for infrastructure solutions that support their strategic transition to clean energy products and services.”

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