Firstly, the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomed the inclusion of the REPowerEU chapters in the national Recovery and Resilience Plans. The European Parliament made de decision.
Secondly, this will offer Member States additional funds to accelerate the end of the EU’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels; while tackling the current climate and energy crises.
Thirdly, with the leadership of Renew Europe, the adopted text foresees cross-border projects with a great impact on energy generation, storage and interconnections along the EU as a priority (at least 35% of REPowerEU projects); while including targeted measures to protect vulnerable households and companies in Europe, especially SMEs.
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In addition, the proposal improves monitoring of the funds. It also secures adequate application of the Do No Significant Harm Principle (DNSH) to the reforms and investments contribution of the REPowerEU goals.
Today, guided by solidarity, ambition and flexibility, we provide Member States with the tools to overcome this winter. We equip our continent with projects that will help us to cut our dependency on Russian fossil fuels. We invest in our continent to make it more sustainable for our next generations. REPowerEU will allow governments to improve their recovery plans with extra investments for more energy efficiency, for tackling energy poverty and for greener energy resources.
Dragoş Pîslaru MEP (REPER, RO).
Also, Renew Europe will remain vigilant to ensure that changes in national Recovery and Resilience plans are directly linked to the objectives of REPowerEU. And that such changes are not pretext to circumvent certain structural reforms at the national level.
REPowerEU is another historic milestone for the European Union. With this text, we adapt the recovery funds to the current energy crisis. REPowerEU is not about improving energy supply in Poland or storage in Spain. REPowerEU is about ensuring that no household or business ever lacks energy on European soil.
Eva Poptcheva MEP (Ciudadanos, ES).
The REPowerEU
This package is a reaction to the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis. It revealed the strong dependence of the European Union on Russian energy. Is a plan for saving energy, producing clean energy and diversifying the European energy supplies. It is backed by financial and legal measures to build the new energy infrastructure and system that Europe needs.