Category : Interviews

Interviews is our category in which we host talks with key players of the industry. Our magazine heavily relies on interviews, as it is the perfect way to get in touch with true knowledgeable characters of the energy sector.

On this category we host those pieces in which we talk with other people about infrastructure; energy reliability, digitalization; also environmental justice among other crucial themes of the industry.

Our pieces do not limit to bimonthly publications; as we conduct these kinds of talks with key characters every week. We host video, as well, as many of these talks take place remotely.

Consequently, such pieces intend to provide a different insight upon strategical subjects of the industry; an insight we may not have, as they are held with industry specialists and protagonists. Firstly, oil engineers, secondly, executives; also developers, thirdly infrastructure operators and finally, owners.

Digital MagazineIndustrial ConsumersInterviewsInvestorsMagazineYear 2021

Volvo Construction Equipment Fuel Test Lab – Advancing Research and Development

In interview with Energy Capital, the Fuel Cell Test Lab Team, part of the larger Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) Team, talks with us about...