
U.S. Natural Gas: a key option for our economy, saving the planet. Davies Public Affairs

Davies Public Affairs

Davies Public Affairs, addressed at Santa Bárbara, California, is a national public affairs firm that storytellers on specific controversial themes. They provide strategies, compelling messages, and precise tactical execution for clients. The company has a record of helping industries, challenging battles, and reorienting issues that seemed to be lost. In general, Davies Public Affairs motivate individuals to speak out and act. They educate crowds in favor of a plan, redefine the issue and gain public approval. Davies Public Affairs had done this strategy with power plants, pipelines and recently, they opposed a natural gas ban in the state.

Advising the public about controversial topics is not an easy task. In America, the energy story is an important theme, people get excited about it, so it is essential to show them what it means.

In general, the energy industry has been responsible for a cleaner climate for the country and the planet for the past two decades, and this trend will continue. The United States is a significant producer, and recently, it became the leading exporter of liquified gas in the world. As a result, companies sign long- term deals with South Korea, China, and India, solving the global crisis.

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“America has enough amount of natural gas, we can supply a lot of the world with clean energy and prosperity,” commented John Davies, Founder, and CEO, Davis Public Affairs. “Many nations suffer without energy, or they are using dirty and expensive energy.”

However, some people are opposed to the industry of natural gas. They must understand that our industry is involved with another type of energy production. Still, there is not enough land, copper, solar, wind, or other natural resources to satisfy global demand. Energy production needs to balance other energy sources with natural gas; it is a transition.

The opposition needs to know that natural gas is not an energy that cleans the environment. The process of decarbonization of natural gas, the careful work at wellheads and pipelines, and delivery systems can become cleaner up to reduce until net-zero carbon; this is how the industry supports and helps keep the planet clean.


In the global energy transition, natural gas is obtaining a vital role. There are two main trends. Countries can use natural gas or coal, or both. Some countries such as India and China are planning the construction of thousands of coal plants. These coal plants do not have the appropriate technology to process clean parameters.

There is an economic model to produce clean energy with coal, but right now, the country and the world may have cleaner natural gas than cleaner coal. In the following years, nations in development will use more energy than the energy used by countries from North America. It will be a radical change, and America will win economic power by exporting natural gas. The technology in industries has an important place, getting, producing, delivering local, or enabling cleaner natural gas.

Today natural gas producers already work on this cleaner option. They are decarbonizing, cleaning natural gas, and using the correct tools. They need to solve the challenge and be transparent. To convince people of this job, they must inform and show what they are doing.

“Telling people the results of replacing coal- fired power plants in the United States for the past 20 years excite them, and they become very supportive when they hear the opportunity of exporting natural gas as a cleaner fuel,” said John Davies.

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The production of natural gas in the U.S. plays a key role globally as an enabler of energy transition in other countries. Producers from Texas, Louisiana, and other east coast states are already working on these facilities. They are also collaborating with environmental groups such as Project Canary.

America strongly supports the increased use of natural gas, the decarbonization of natural gas, and the exported natural gas. The industry has a crucial role in convincing people to gain its trust, telling the truth, proudly their story.

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