
Inspire partners with GivePower to advance energy justice

Inspire Clean Energy

Inspire, a California-based clean energy company, announced this Wednesday it partnered with GivePower, a non-profit organization that provides solar-based solutions to secure food, water, and electricity for people in regions that need them most.

Firstly, the partnership continues a solid relationship between the companies which began in 2018 with a series of clean energy projects that provided aid to 50 communities across Nepal and Colombia.

Moreover, under the extended partnership, Inspire Clean Energy will participate in GivePower’s Brighter World Project helping advance the energy transition in countries like Colombia, Kenya, and Nepal. As a member of the program, Inspire will provide clean energy solutions to one person in critical need for one year.

In addition, the company will donate GivePower more than $500,000 over the next two years to extend the collective mission of transforming the energy landscape by improving access to clean energy around the globe.

On the other hand, the partnership has the goal of using renewable energy to improve access to basic human needs, such as clean drinking water, for communities that might not otherwise have access. However, it does so in countries that have been disproportionally hit by climate change.

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Inspire Clean Energy expanding its mission beyond the border

In fact, today more than 3.5 billion people around the world lack access to reliable electricity, and nearly 1.5 billion people live in areas with high water scarcity. Consequently, the partnership will be a critical move for the strengthening of energy justice around the world.

Patrick Maloney, founder, and CEO of Inspire said. “The time is now to give people the power to take climate action and create a better future for generations to come. As we continue our mission of making clean energy accessible to households across the U.S., we also know that climate change is not an equal opportunity offender.”

He also remarked. “It’s imperative that Inspire expand beyond our borders and provide renewable energy solutions to communities that have contributed almost nothing to global warming, but are feeling its effects the most.”

Finally, Hayes Barnard, founder, chairman, and CEO of GivePower noted. “By using clean energy to help power communities in critical need, we can eliminate the use of polluting fuels and countless tons of carbon emissions, while improving lives and livelihoods.”

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