TC Energy Corporation, in alliance with its partner Nikola Corporation, is considering the plan for hydrogen production. It would be a hub on 140 acres...
National Grid´s substation will upgrade with Siemens Energy´s designed gas free “Blue circuit brakers”. It works with clean air and vacuum switching technology. This is...
The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) made the launch of “Aiming for Zero Methane Emissions Initiative”. Their main goal: Take the methane emissions as...
Eavor Technologies, a leading provider and developer of geothermal energy solutions, headquartered in Canada, has secured USD$40 million in funding with the support of oil...
Gratiot Wind Farms from CMS subsidiary, Consumers Energy, started operations contributing with 150 megawatts of clean power for the state of Michigan, the company announced...
As the industry’s climate goals in recent years have become more and more relevant, experts consider biofuels as a key element to meeting those goals....