
DOE and portable electric spas 

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has published an advisory discussing portable electric hot tubs. This determines that these qualify as products covered by Part A of Title III of the amended Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA). Such notice was given prior to publication in the Federal Register.

Thus, the DOE has determined that the classification of portable electric hot tubs is timely and necessary in order to meet the purposes of the EPCA. These conclusions derive from the electrical use in this area that could exceed 100 kilowatt-hours per year.

The final determination will become effective 60 days after the publication of the notice in the Federal Register.

You will be able to find product information for portable electric spas. Current testing standards and procedures will be included, as well as legal authority, exceptions, and contact information.

On the other hand, the DOE also made a final determination regarding Miscellaneous Gas Products (MGPs). Those products will be seen as a covered consumer products.

Notice of this news was similarly given in the Federal Register. It determines that PGMs qualify as covered products under Part A of Title II of the Energy Act.

In this way, it has also been determined that the coverage of MGPs is necessary and more appropriate. This will accomplish the purposes of the EPCA, which dictates that the average use in American homes is 100 kilowatt-hours per year.

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In this case, the validity will be 30 days after the publication of the final determination in the Federal Register.

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