EXPRO is a clear leader in efforts taken by the industry to meet environmental goals proved by their new technology iTONG. They have focused on developing digital technology to help drilling contractors and operators reduce their CO₂ emissions. This method aims to achieve an annual reduction of 146 tons of emissions. It could be equivalent to 58 transatlantic flights.
The oil and gas industry has achieved many digital innovations, but in contrast, are tubular operating services (TRS). This is an area that is lagging. That is why Expro is focused on promoting greater automation of the rig floor, thanks to its iTONG system.
This system will reduce emissions and is also designed to help protect personnel. Therefore, it is estimated that the savings for operators are almost 50 hours and $2 million per year for the installation.
The iTong system is seen as a single-button tubular solution, proving to be the most technologically advanced. With it, the operator can also control, execute, verify and validate each connection configuration through a tablet or his control chair.
Another guarantee is that joints in casing and tubing can be made to the specified torque. It could also be broken into an automated sequence at the push of a button.
Thus, with a reduction in the number of personnel required for pipeline operations, rigs using iTONG can reduce annual emissions.
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“Thanks to systems like iTONG, our highly trained research, and development teams lead the industry in improving safety. Reducing emissions and increasing savings worldwide. Some 47% of our R&D spend is directly allocated to carbon reduction projects. It demonstrates our dedication to helping energy companies achieve their goals.”
“iTONG enhances the industry’s ability to improve service quality and reliability and is also a paradigm shift that revolutionizes the tubular execution process, providing a fully self-contained solution to deliver operational excellence.”