
Amazon leads for 2nd-year clean energy procurement in the US

Amazon PPas

Amazon is the biggest clean energy procurer in the United States for the second year in a row, the Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA) announced this Wednesday. The organization released its annual Deal Tracker Top 10 list, showcasing the leading energy customers that procured clean energy in the US. In that list, Amazon is the undisputed leader.

Firstly, the retail giant company procured a total of 2.85 gigawatts of announced clean energy projects in the country. As we have reported previously, Amazon has set a high standard of decarbonization on its operations; as well as a solid energy business.

Moreover, just in December 2021, the company announced 18 new solar, wind, and energy storage projects around the world. However, the majority of those projects would be located in the United States.

Furthermore, when those projects come online, Amazon will have 5,6 gigawatts of procured capacity. Up to date, its renewable energy portfolio of projects includes more than 274; and is on a path to power 100% of its business operations with renewable energy by 2025.

In addition, those new 18 projects bring Amazon’s total committed renewable electricity production capacity to more than 12 GW; and 33,700 gigawatt-hours (GWh) when the projects become fully operational. Such an amount would be equivalent to powering more than 3 million US homes for a year.

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Amazon on the path to powering operations 100% with renewables

Kara Hurst, vice president of Worldwide Sustainability at Amazon said about the matter. “Amazon is on an accelerated path toward powering our operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025, five years ahead of our original 2030 target. We’re grateful for this recognition and welcome CEBA’s continued leadership in cultivating a global community of energy customers dedicated to securing clean energy access for all.”

On the other hand, the CEBA Deal Tracker Top 10 showcases that a variety of industries now play a critical role in decarbonization of the energy system and have established increasing bold climate action goals, including telecommunications services, consumer staples, and industries.

On the ranking, Meta was on the second spot, with 1.82GW of procured capacity; Verizon in the third, with 1.02GW; Google on the fourth, with .600GW and Microsoft in the fifth, with .550 GW.

Finally, CEBA CEO Miranda Ballentine said. “The overall impact of companies that make up the 2021 Deal Tracker Top 10 showcases that our vision for customer-driven clean energy for is truly possible, and beyond that, within reach if we continue to advance market and policy solutions together.”

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