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Greening Ontario transport companies; the Government of Canada


On Monday, the Government of Canada announced a combined investment of over $220,000 to help four Ontario transport companies. Therefore, this funding will help them low their fuel costs, improve their energy efficiency, and reduce GHG emissions; particularly from their heavy-duty vehicle fleets.

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Ontario transport companies and their environmental impact

Worth noting, this sector currently makes up 10 percent of Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Accordingly, the Government of Canada is investing in initiatives that build a low-emissions future, the administration notes in a media release. In fact, investments to lower fuel consumption in the freight sector help businesses save money and increase their competitiveness while lowering their emissions. Similarly, this investment will help ensure healthier, sustainable communities for future generations.

About the funding

Accordingly, Minimax Express Ltd. and Arnold Bros Transport Ltd. received over $9,000 each to undertake a third-party fleet energy assessment. Specifically, this study will analyze their fleet’s performance. Besides, it will also determine the fuel-saving retrofits options available to green their operations. 

On the other hand, Carmen Transportation received $109,530, and Sarjeant Co. Ltd received $92,930. Thus, this money will take their fleet energy assessments a step further; mainly, by purchasing fuel-reducing equipment and investing in essential training for their drivers.

Indeed, together, the companies have already made energy efficiency retrofits to over 25 vehicles. Additionally, they have provided fuel-efficient training for more than 180 drivers.

Therefore, these collective measures will help save an estimated 430 tonnes of GHG emissions annually while making the companies more competitive through fuel savings.


In this sense, The Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources, said in a media release; “Lowering our emissions increases our competitiveness. Hence, increasing our competitiveness creates more jobs. Finally, projects like this are how we will get to net-zero by 2050.”

Similarly, Tony Costa, Fleet ManagerCarmen Transportation commented in a statement; “In fact, working with Natural Resources Canada has assisted us with investing in solutions. Particularly in ones that reduce our GHG emissions and carbon footprint by lowering our fuel consumption, increasing our competitiveness.”

The Government of Canada on the investment

Worth noting, the Government of Canada underscored that federal funding for these projects is provided through Natural Resources Canada’s Green Freight Assessment Program. Specifically, this initiative is investing $3.4 million, particularly, to help companies make data-driven investment decisions to reduce their emissions and fuel costs.

Lastly, the Government of Canada said it continues to support smarter energy initiatives that will create good jobs and advance Canada’s green future. Indeed,  lowering  Canada’s transportation sector emissions is a vital part of its efforts to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.

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