Industrial ConsumersPower

Agrivoltaics in Europe to be developed by Boralex and Sun Agri


Agrivoltaics, the clean energy solution that helps farms and agriculture to protect themselves from extreme weather conditions and other harmful factors will be pushed substantially by Boralex and Sun Agri; after both companies agreed for joint development.

Firstly, the companies agreed on the development of new solar power plants that help protect farms from increasingly challenging weather conditions. The agreement will particularly focus in France.

Secondly, during this year, an intense spring impacted French crops; consequently, the companies will focus on solar developments that provide new solutions to farmers.

Thirdly, in particular, companies will design new solar louvres programmed to meet plants’ ideal conditions; however, they also help to manage available sunlight or shade to increase the crop quality and quantity.

Moreover, the framework of the agreement considers a 10-year period; with Boralex working exclusively with Sun Agri to develop agrivoltaic projects in the European Union.

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Sun Agri, pioneer in agrivoltaics in France

Consequently, Boralex will be able to leverage its expertise on energy projects’ benefits to agriculture; and will in turn be able to rely on Sun Agri for agronomic support and louvre management.

In fact, Sun Agri is the pioneer and world leader in agrivoltaics; back in 2018, the company inaugurated the world’s first dynamic agrivoltaics demonstrator, after 10 years of research. This was a huge jump for the industry; as in 2020 the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie française selected 37 projects using Sun Agri’s technology.

On the other hand, Boralex develops, builds, and operates renewable energy production sites in Europe and North America. Currently, the company has more than 1 GW of wind and solar power in France and 2,455 MW worldwide.

Furthermore, the agreement with Sun Agri is part of Boralex 2023 strategic plan; that mandates the company to develop with key partners new solutions and co-utilization projects adapted to the various territories where it operates.

Finally, Antoine Nogier, President and Founder of Sun Agri, said. “I’m delighted to announce this partnership with Boralex; a leading renewable energy player who’s also driving the shift towards a greener world; and with whom we’ll accelerate the important development of agrivoltaics.”

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