
ExxonMobil to certify its natgas output for methane emissions reduction


ExxonMobil, the U.S. oil major, announced this Tuesday it would begin the certification of its natural gas production for its Permian Basin facilities at Poker Lake, New Mexico. The certification would validate that Exxon’s production has deep methane emissions reduction efforts.

The certification is the first of its kind for the company’s assets in the Permian Basin. ExxonMobil agreed with MiQ, a third-party validator that has RMI and SYSTEMIQ as partners.

Through the MiQ Standard, MiQ will provide rigorous and independent measurement and assessments for methane intensity. It will also offer enhanced monitoring technology deployment; as well as operating practices that promote a culture of emissions management and continuous improvement.

Bart Cahir, senior vice president of unconventional at ExxonMobil, said. “We are reducing methane emissions responsibly and economically, and by working with MiQ, we can provide our customers with credible third-party validation of those efforts.”

He also remarked. “As we improve our operations, certifying our natural gas will help our customers achieve their goals and support a lower-carbon future.”

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ExxonMobil has already conducted methane detection efforts at Poker Lake

On the other hand, ExxonMobil selected the Poker Lake facilities for the wide range of technology solutions already in place. Also, due to the location’s scale advantages, proximity to nearby markets, and growth potential as production in New Mexico increases.

In fact, Exxon has already conducted aerial LiDAR imaging and SOOFIE methane detection technologies in the region. It is also evaluating additional next-generation applications, including satellites and artificial intelligence, as part of its ongoing initiatives to find more innovative and faster ways to detect and mitigate emissions.

The location produces around 200 million cubic feet of natural gas per day. All of that production will be assessed and certified. Certified natural gas would be available in the market around the fourth quarter of 2021.

Finally, Georges Tijbosch, senior advisor at MiQ, said. “We’re pleased to be working with ExxonMobil at Poker Lake and look forward to a fruitful long-term partnership that creates a differentiated, more transparent, and cleaner gas market. These steps and the rapid reduction of methane emissions is critical to the world achieving its climate goals.”

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