
AEG to build 2nd waste biomass plant in Ashland, Maine


Active Energy Group (AEG) announced this Thursday it has selected Ashland, Maine, to be the location of its second biomass/waste processing facility, which will produce AEG’s patented CoalSwitch solution.

Firstly, AEG partnered with Player Design Inc (PDI) to complete the facility which, at scale, will produce up to 35,000 tons of CoalSwitch per year. This CoalSwitch solution is a revolutionary biomass feedstock that can co-fire with coal.

Secondly, it is a technology developed by AEG that converts residual from lumber operations into a pellet that burns at temperatures exactly like the ones of coal. Consequently, it can replace coal-fired power stations, while lowering its environmental footprint.

Thirdly, the partnership with PDI expands the existing agreement with AEG; as PDI has already a processing facility in Ashland; which has been accommodated to CoalSwitch production. However, companies received a temporary operating permit by the State of Maine in April, 2021 to allow the construction of the second facility.

Moreover, production of this new plant will begin in May, 2021; however, it will be an initial production, aimed at securing a long-term operating permit for the Ashland facility. Parties intend to send CoalSwitch production to Utah; for a coal/biomass co-firing demonstration scheduled for June, 2021.

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AEG and PDI advancing biomass fuels adoption

Furthermore, the company to receive such output will be PacifiCorp, for its Hunter Power Plant. PacifiCorp is the largest grid operator in the western United States serving the growing energy demands of 1.9 million customers.

On the other hand, about the CoalSwitch solution, Michael Rowan, CEO of AEG, said. “We are seeing increased demand for our next-generation biomass pellets from customers in North America.”

He also remarked. “Our partnership with PDI and the support from the State of Maine will enable us to accelerate production of CoalSwitch; to help reduce overall CO2 emissions from the power generation industry.”

Finally, Tyler Player, CEO of PDI, concluded. “The opportunity to add a new production facility in Maine is important; not only to allow Player Design to further demonstrate the potential of the fuel and its production process; but also to enable a wider North American audience to appreciate the future of next generation biomass fuels.”

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