Women in Energy

Grist 50, 2022, named Megan O´Connor “Visionary powering a cleaner, more just future”

Grist 50

In this year’s Grist 50, the Nth Cycle’s co-founder and CEO, Megan O’Connor, was named the “Visionary powering a cleaner, more just future”. This appointment results from her contributions to the world. She created a way to transition into clean energy through cobalt, nickel, and earth minerals.

Who is Megan O’Connor and Nth Cycles?

Since her student years, Megan has been interested in sustainability, especially electronic recycling. In her younger years as a student, she overheard a conversation at the University of Yale that woke her passion. It was about a secret reunion of the reps of major tech companies. She became obsessed with the subject and learned that the transition into clean energy would need large amounts of cobalt, nickel, and earth minerals to build batteries.

Later on, she became with the idea of recycling from e-waste herself. She learned from a professor that developed a water filtration method about this kind of method. Then she adapted it into the filtrations of valuable metals from e-waste. After that, she became the co-founder of Nth Cycles to bring this technology into the market.

More about Grist 50 and their categories

The Grist 50 is an annual list that presents the emerging leaders in sustainability, climate, and equity. All the people named in the list stand out because of their pro to community and environmental work. They either are developing new substitutes for plastic, defending their communities from environmental hazards, or creating ways to reduce food waste, for naming few.

In this year’s list, we can find sustainability stars facing problems and finding solutions. The intention is to help their community or even the world. They are 50 visionaries from all over the U.S.A. willing to think outside the box.

The Grist 50 made a list with these amazing people to show their stories as inspiration to others. In this list, the readers can see and understand the listed ones’s motivations to make a difference and how they made it happen.

These stories are meant to show us that anyone can make a the difference with enough motivation and willingness to help because that is how they became climate champions. 

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