
547 Energy launches renewable energy self-consumption platform

547 Energy

547 Energy, the clean energy investment arm of Quantum Energy Services, announced this Monday it launched NetOn. This is a renewable energy self-consumption platform in Spain. The platform focuses on the development and operation of self-consumption energy projects for commercial and industrial customers throughout southern Europe.

Firstly, Alberto Marin, a leading executive in the clean energy industry will lead the NetOn platform, with headquarters in Spain. In fact, the NetOn platform is already fully operational across the country with a strong and experienced local team, offices in Madrid, Bilbao, and Barcelona, and a solid network of engineering and commercial partners.

Moreover, the platform will capture and accelerate the market for self-consumption of clean power; which will be important for Spain to meet its climate targets by 2030. Self-consumption projects generate power from renewable energy sources connected directly to customers.

In addition, it allows consumers to offset power purchases from their load-serving entities and save on their electricity bills while enhancing the reliability of their energy supply.

Furthermore, these projects bring the added benefit of aiding end-consumers in meeting their decarbonization or emission reduction targets. Particularly, NetOn will focus on serving the C&I market, as outlined above. It will deliver comprehensive self-consumption solutions, which include the financing, installation, and operation of renewable energy facilities.

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547 energy assembled a first class group for NetOn

Additionally, under NetOn’s business model, customers will not have to bear any investment costs associated with renewable installations. This means that NetOn’s customers will have no increased capital expenditures; while receiving a stable, green, guaranteed long-term electricity price.

About the launching of the platform, Gabriel Alonso, Founder, and CEO of 547 Energy said. “The NetOn team have assembled a first-class group of renewable energy professionals, and we are excited to partner with them to expand the suite of clean energy product offerings available to commercial and industrial power consumers in southern Europe.”

He also remarked. “Alberto is a proven, execution-focused clean energy executive, and 547 Energy is looking forward to being a partner to the NetOn team and their future customers across southern Europe.”

Finally, Alberto Martin, CEO of NetOn said, “Our partnership with 547 Energy and Quantum Energy Partners provides NetOn the opportunity to be a meaningful participant in the full-cycle development of commercial and industrial clean power assets across southern Europe.”

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