
Sempra to receive 1st LNG cargo to Energia Costa Azul from bp

Sempra LNG ECA

Sempra LNG along with IEnova announced this Thursday that bp will be the company to send a carbon offset liquified natural gas (LNG) cargo to the Energia Costa Azul terminal, in Mexico. Companies have entered into a contract for the delivery.

Firstly, the cargo will arrive to Energia Costa Azul terminal, in Baja California Mexico, on July 16, 2021, and it will be sourced from bp’s global LNG portfolio.

Secondly, this is the first delivery under bp’s new offer and Sempra LNG’s first carbon offset LNG cargo import to Mexico; which further grows the demand for natural gas and LNG. Indeed, IEnova and Sempra LNG each intend to continue supporting this growth by diversifying their offerings; including developing bundled carbon offset LNG products.

Thirdly, all the CO2 and methane emissions related to the production of the LNG sent to Mexico will be estimated using bp’s GHG quantification methodology; which bp developed following relevant international standards.

Moreover, all of those estimated emissions will be offset by retiring a corresponding amount of carbon credits; sourced from a Mexican afforestation project from bp’s vetted portfolio of offsets; on behalf of Sempra LNG, according to the statement.

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In addition, about the milestone for the companies, Justin Bird, CEO of Sempra LNG said. “We are excited to advance our goal to lower GHG emission intensity at our LNG facilities. Sempra LNG continues to build a strong business portfolio; focused on sustainability and the global energy transition.”

In regards to the relevance of the cargo for Mexico, Tania Ortiz, CEO of IEnova added. “We are pleased to work with Sempra LNG to help deliver the much-needed natural gas to customers in Mexico in a sustainable manner. We are always looking for new ways we can create value; not only through the safe and responsible operation of our facilities, but also by contributing toward the energy transition.”

On the other hand, Carol Howle, EVP of trading & shipping at bp said. “This new offer further demonstrates our determination to remain one of the world’s leading and most innovative LNG suppliers.”

Furthermore, Sempra LNG as well as IEnova are building liquefaction facilities that will be adjacent to Energia Costa Azul.

Finally, although this carbon offset LNG cargo is from bp’s global LNG portfolio, Energia Costa Azul has further agreements for multiple LNG cargos each year, from bp and its partners Tangguh LNG and Sempra LNG.

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