
Senators discuss offshore energy amid Biden’s pause on new oil leases

senators offshore energy

Senators discussed on Thursday the relevance of offshore energy development and drilling, facing energy transition, in the middle of the pause that president Joe Biden took on oil and gas leases in federal lands.

Firstly, according to WGNRadio, the discussion took place on Thursday, during a Senate committee. There, Senator Bill Cassidy, republican, from Louisiana, said. “The revenue that we receive from this energy production off our shore is so critical to this effort.” Implying that the pause on new oil and gas leases hurts the economy of his state.

Secondly, Cassidy added. “The current posture of the Biden administration threatens our long-term ability to fund these projects; while putting tens of thousands of jobs at risk. On that posture, state’s governor, John Bel Edwards, Democrat, agreed and said. “We are a major oil- and gas-producing state.”

Thirdly, Edwards emphasized on the fact that offshore oil drilling; and other upstream activities for that matter, also helps to fund the state’s climate change goals; and efforts to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

He also noted. “This is an ambitious goal, but it’s what the global scientific community says is necessary; if we want to avoid the most severe impacts from climate change.” Nevertheless, other senators and law makers in the committee argued that, however risky, the choices of the Biden administration are the right ones.

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“I also believe the new administration has the right and responsibility to take a pause; and really evaluate how these energy programs are working.” Said Senator Joe Manchin, democrat, from West Virginia.

Furthermore, he admit that, even though many states benefit from offshore drilling, advancing renewable energy is the key to progress on climate change efforts and advancing energy transition.

In fact, he underlined, that. “This is important innovation, driven by U.S. manufacturing know-how; and we also need to keep these concerns in mind as we look to develop offshore wind energy.”

Finally, these discussions are taking place precisely at a time in which the U.S. expects to expand its early offshore wind energy industry. Just last Monday, the Biden administration gave the greenlight to Vineyard Wind; a 8GW offshore wind facility that will be the biggest in the U.S.

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