
Empire State Line, a $180M transmission highway, starts construction in western NY

Empire State Line NY

Construction of the Empire State Line, a 20-mile transmission line that would serve Western New York with 345 kilowatts has begun its construction. It has a $180 million investment to upgrade the energy transmission system in the area.

Firstly, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the start of the construction activities of the line, which will increase the transmission capacity, and will help to deliver more renewable energy, particularly hydroelectric, to Western New York.

Secondly, it will also stimulate the local and regional economies by creating and supporting clean-energy construction jobs.

Thirdly, the project is developed by the firm NextEra Energy Transmission New York Inc (NEETNY). It intends to bring the state a step closer into its renewable and sustainability goals, under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. As it pretends to be a zero-emissions electricity sector by 2040. And also to have a 70% renewable generation by 2030.

In addition, the Empire State Line transmission line will run from the Royalton Town, in the Niagara County, through the towns of Alden, Newstead, Lancaster and Elma, in Erie County. The line would also include a 345-kV switchyard, as it intends to relieve transmission congestion in the area.

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Empire State Line Map

Empire State Line, part of the New York’s Energy Superhighway project

Moreover, back in January, the New York State Public Service Commission approved a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the project. Indeed, Gov. Cuomo unveiled the proposal as part of his plan to rebuild New York in his 2021 State of the State; which included transmission projects to complete the New York’s Energy Superhighway project.

In fact, the Empire state Line is the final project within the 250 miles of the planned investment for the superhighway; this line will be operational around June of 2022.

On the other hand, Richard Allen, president of NEETNY, said. “We are thrilled to start construction on this important project; which also plays a critical role in supporting the state’s clean energy plans. NEETNY will continue to work with all interested stakeholders to make this project a reality.”

Finally, Gov. Cuomo concluded. “The Empire State Line is an integral part of a new energy superhighway, built to move clean energy across the state more efficiently. While also creating new jobs and opportunities for New Yorkers that will help to reinvigorate our local and statewide economies.”

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