Digital MagazineDownstreamIndustrial ConsumersInvestorsMagazineYear 2021The Refinery Paradox – An Outlook of Refineries in North AmericaeditorJuly 6, 2021July 6, 2021 by editorJuly 6, 2021July 6, 20210475 How could North America still be a refining leader if it’s shutting down one in five refineries by 2025? energy capital By Energy Capital Refining...
Digital MagazineUpstreamYear 2021Physics shapes corporate strategy in the Shale RevolutioneditorMay 6, 2021May 6, 2021 by editorMay 6, 2021May 6, 20210418 The Shale Revolution is affecting oil and gas (O&G) operators and service suppliers. Several examples explore how to improve organizational strategies and survive in the...