
Aral Futura Super 95 and Aral Futura Diesel: the future of renewable fuels

New Fuels by Aral AG

Aral AG is a brand of automotive fuels and filling stations in the German and Luxembourg markets. As a bp Group company, Aral works with the parent company to reduce CO2 emissions. Together, they are seeking to contribute to climate and environmental protection.


Synthetic fuels

Logistics and mobility will become increasingly important in the coming decades. This poses major challenges in terms of climate protection. To keep pace with these developments and rethink energy, alternative components in fuel development are crucial. Bp is committed to openness to technology. Its latest research is dedicated to producing synthetic fuels from green electricity.


Aral Futura Super 95 and Aral Futura Diesel

Currently, with the rising environmental care issue, the company is testing two new fuels that reduce CO2 emissions by at least 25% compared to pure fossil fuels. The two new fuels are Aral Futura Super 95 and Aral Futura Diesel.


Both automotive fuels contain at least 30% high-quality renewable components, including a significant share of advanced renewable features available to the public at an Aral station in Berlin and another in Düsseldorf.


Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Department of Digital Affairs and Transport, was present at the first official filling of a passenger car in Holzmarkt, Berlin.


Patrick Wendeler, CEO of Aral AG, said, “We believe that CO2-saving gasoline and diesel fuels can play an important role in the energy transition in transportation. Even as the electrification of vehicles and diversification of drivers, such as bio-LNG, bio-CNG, and hydrogen in heavy transport, continues to expand. Our new fuels demonstrate what is already possible within today’s existing fuel standards.”


Reduce of greenhouse gas emissions

According to Statistisches Bundesamt, the transport sector accounts for more than 25% of all CO2 emissions in the European Union. Reducing its emissions is essential to help achieve the country’s targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. One option to meet the obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to blend biofuels with fossil fuels.


Aral Futura fuels offer customers driving an internal combustion engine vehicle an option beyond the current E10 gasoline or B7 diesel to contribute to the energy transition.


“Advanced biofuels are an important technology for reducing greenhouse gases in road transport. We very much welcome that Aral offers a standard-compliant fuel with a high proportion of renewable components,” said Oliver Luksic.


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