Industrial ConsumersPower

Residential consumers in North America with increased environmental concern: SECC

residential electricity

Residential electricity consumers in the United States and Canada are increasingly aware of the climate crisis; and they are making a strong connection between smart energy technologies, and other low carbon solutions, as a way to tackle this issue. But more importantly, this concern is changing their patterns and behaviors of consumption; a study by the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) has found.

Firstly, already in SECC’s 2020 research, results revealed a strong influence of environmental concern on the interests; behaviors and motivations of energy consumers. In fact, in the “Beneficial Electrification: The Voice of the Consumer” report, the statement that electricity was becoming cleaner, resonated the most with the consumers.

Secondly, further research among low-income families in the United States, found that the Environmentally Driven emerged as a distinct persona; with 44 percent of respondents stating that they always think about the environmental benefits of energy efficiency.

Consequently, in the newest SECC report, the “2021 State of the Consumer” the report highlights the major themes that are solidifying in consumers minds, in regards to their consumption conduct.

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residential electricity

Residential consumers in need of clearer smart energy programs and technologies

Moreover, SECC found that consumers are making a connection between smart energy and slowing climate change; therefore, they are interested in smart energy products across al segments.

In fact, lower-income consumers are keenly interested in smart energy and the environment; however, consumer also need more tools for assessing programs and technologies. In this regard, education, information and also engagement are essential to realizing the promise of beneficial electrification.

Indeed, the SECC’s report is precisely aimed at helping industry stakeholders, including utilities, to better understand residential consumers; consequently, to develop more effective programs, services and technologies to meet with the increasing interests and needs of today’s consumers.

Finally, the Covid-19 pandemic also took a hit to residential consumers behavior and understanding of the climate change relevance. In this regard, the report also found that a strong number of consumers looked for support of their utilities to deal with the impact of the pandemic on their power bills.

SECC’s study is available for download, here.

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